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The billionaire has previously claimed he had concerns about Epstein, who had pleaded guilty and was convicted in 2008 of procuring a child for prostitution and of soliciting a prostitute - years before the tech mogul met the financier. You know, that goes back a long time ago now,' he said to PBS. They didn't result in what he purported, and I cut them off. Not nearly enough philanthropy goes in that direction,' Gates said in a September 2021 interview. He had relationships he said with people he said would give to public health.

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In earlier interviews, Gates stated how he ultimately stopped meetings with the convicted sex offender after he realized the meetings would not be productive for his philanthropic foundation. The couple announced their separation last year after 27 years of marriage. The dinners were a point of contention between the Microsoft billionaire and his now ex-wife and business partner, Melinda French Gates, who described Epstein as 'evil personified.' She lifted the lid on her marriage to Bill Gates for the first time including his encounters with Jeffrey Epstein Melinda Gates in her CBS interview in March 2022.

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